Prevention is better than cure. Improving your healthspan and lifespan by picking things up early and using the latest evidence-based medicine is the way we care for our patients and clients.
We screen for all disease including heart disease, early cancers, inflammatory conditions and vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can lead to disease. These health assessments can be specifically tailored to you at the pre-assessment questionnaire stage and are dependent on age, sex and risk factors.
Our Assessments
We offer seven Preventative Health Assessments, in addition to bespoke and corporate packages, all of which include a pre-assessment questionnaire to fill in which covers previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
This is followed by a one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all incredibly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
The comprehensive blood tests will include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system.
We will check your inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP.
We will check your tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer. We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where there is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing.
We undertake a full body mole check to screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions. These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision.
The health assessment includes testing a stool sample for colorectal cancer screening (FIT test).
We will check your liver function, kidney function, as well as completing a diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles.
We will check levels of vitamins and minerals to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile, homocysteine and vitamin D.
We will check your hormone levels to include cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone.
You will have an electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
We will check your vision, hearing and lung function.
In addition, you will have your urine tested for blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones, as well as sugar to screen for diabetes.
We use state of the art radiological MRI and CT scanners and top of their field radiologists and clinicians reporting their own subspecialities. This is all within minutes’ walk of the practice and we can escort you there.
What Our Clients Say
Dr Sophia is professional, knowledgeable and charming. The results are that a number of preventative measures have been identified which are being undertaken and I can only say it has been worth all the effort to have this done.”
Preventative Health Assessment Packages
HA-1 | HA-2 | HA-3 | HA-4 | HA-5 | HA-6 | HA-7 | |
Examinations |
A pre assessment questionnaire to fill in, to include previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
A one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all highly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
Our comprehensive blood tests include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system, including cholesterol, diabetes, thyroid, and hormone levels. Inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP. Tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer. We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where this is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing. Liver and kidney function, diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles. Vitamins and minerals levels to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile, homocysteine and vitamin D. Hormone levels, including cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone (for men), and oestrogen and progesterone (for women). |
To screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions. These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision. |
A resting electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
Blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones and sugar to screen for diabetes.
For colorectal cancer screening (FIT test). |
If there are clinical concerns such a family history, low iron level and a positive stool test for blood, we arrange screening colonoscopies. These are sometimes offered via CT scan but when physically performed by a gastroenterologist (which we recommend) they have a much higher sensitivity rate for picking up cancer and small (under 10mm) and flat polyps which CT colonoscopies do not. These can then be removed or biopsied at the same time as the procedure. |
Preliminary tests of visual function and eye health, including visual acuity,
colour vision, and visual fields.
The results are charted on a graph (audiogram) to help pinpoint the severity of
hearing loss at different frequencies.
Pulmonary function tests, or PFTs. We measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well you move air in and out of your lungs and absorb oxygen when you breathe. |
Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a CT scan of the lungs to look for small nodules which do not show up on a simple chest x ray and can indicate cancer or pre-cancerous changes. This scan will also show up chronic lung disease or damage. |
A scan to establish and highlight at any plaques in the carotid arteries which untreated may lead to a stroke or potential cardiovascular risk. Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a direct coronary artery CT scan (CTCA) to look at individual plaque formation in the vessels and the obstruction to blood flow which may result in a heart attack. This can be done at the same time as the coronary calcium scan. |
To diagnose hypertension and any anomalies.
Measurement of calcium deposits in the arteries of the heart – a gold standard assessment for ischaemic heart disease. |
Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a direct coronary artery CT scan (CTCA) to look at individual plaque formation in the vessels and the obstruction to blood flow which may result in a heart attack. This can be done at the same time as the coronary calcium scan. |
An exercise/stress test to see how your heart responds to exercise. This can often diagnose silent ischaemia (lack of oxygen).
Measurement of blood flow through the heart, the function of the heart muscles and the heart valves. It shows damage to the heart including heart failure and congenital heart disease. It also looks at the first part of the aorta which pumps blood around the body. |
A bone mineral density scan to assess risk of serious fracture. Low dose X-Rays to learn how dense (strong) your bones are, and diagnosis of or assessment of your risk of osteoporosis or serious fracture. |
Providing insight for early signs of breast cancer. Regular mammograms can find breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt. |
A non-invasive diagnostic exam that produces images that are used to assess organs and structures within the female pelvis. A pelvic scan allows quick visualization of the female pelvic organs and structures including the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
A scan of your brain and the cerebral vessels. This picks up signs of vascular damage leading to certain dementias, tumours and arteriovenous malformations including aneurysms that can cause bleeding but can be simply dealt with if detected.
A scan of the thyroid to look for pre-cancerous nodules.
This will look at organs to include the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and pancreas. It can pick up early cancers especially silent cancers of the pancreas which often otherwise present late in the disease path when they are difficult to treat. |
Providing a more detailed status of your prostate than a standard MRI scan. It does this by combining four different types of image and can highlight whether or not there is any cancer inside your prostate.
For men under 45, especially if you are worried about your own examination or there are any clinical concerns.
For men, a semen analysis and testicular ultrasound scan. For women, bloods to test for AMH and FSH in addition to a pelvic ultrasound scan to look at ovarian follicle count.
We will review with you within 5 working days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and healthspan. You will receive a digital/paper report at the time. |
Price | £1,950 |
£5,800 |
£4,400 |
£7,000 |
£6,900 |
£9,900 |
£9,100 |
Read More | Read More | Read More | Read More | Read More | Read More | Read More |
This is our in-house comprehensive health assessment as detailed below and is suitable for our younger clients or those who would like to take one step at a time. For women we do a cervical HPV smear test and for men a PSA test of the prostate gland.
Additional radiological investigations may become necessary following results of the extensive blood tests and these can be easily arranged.
A pre assessment questionnaire to fill in, to include previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
A one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all highly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
Our comprehensive blood tests include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system.
Liver and kidney function, diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles.
Tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer.
Advanced cardiac risk indicators including Lipoprotein a, Apolipoprotein B and homocysteine.
Inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP.
Vitamins and minerals levels to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile and vitamin D.
Hormone levels, including thyroid, cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen, LH and FSH.
We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where this is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing.
To screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions.
These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision.
A resting electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
Blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones and sugar to screen for diabetes.
For colorectal cancer screening (FIT test).
Preliminary tests of visual function and eye health, including visual acuity, colour vision, and visual fields.
The results are charted on a graph (audiogram) to help pinpoint the severity of hearing loss at different frequencies.
Pulmonary function tests, or PFTs. We measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well you move air in and out of your lungs and absorb oxygen when you breathe.
We will review with you within 5 working days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and health span.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
£1,950, including complimentary registration at the practice.
£650 monthly membership*, which includes the health assessment, complimentary registration at the practice, all consultations, (face-to-face, video or telephone), prescription requests and referrals to specialists, if required.
You will also have 24/7 access to an individual doctor.
*Minimum term of 12 months
Please allow up to 1.5 hours for the initial consultations and tests.
We will review with you within 7 days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and healthspan.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
We offer complimentary preliminary telephone consultations to gain an initial understanding of your medical history and lifestyle, ahead of recommending which of our health assessment programmes would be most suitable.
In addition, we offer bespoke and corporate packages.
Please complete our enquiry form, or alternatively call us, 020 7935 4357, or email office@drsophiakhalique.com, to arrange an appointment date and time at your convenience.
In addition to our in house comprehensive health assessment, we undertake a full screening of the cardiovascular system to look at the blood pressure, blood flow to the brain, heart function with exercise, the muscle chambers and valves of the heart including the aorta and calcium deposits around the blood vessels of the heart.
This is especially important in those with a family history of heart disease or other risk factors such as high cholesterol or smoking.
A pre assessment questionnaire to fill in, to include previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
A one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all highly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
Our comprehensive blood tests include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system.
Liver and kidney function, diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles.
Tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer.
Advanced cardiac risk indicators including Lipoprotein a, Apolipoprotein B and homocysteine.
Inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP.
Vitamins and minerals levels to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile and vitamin D.
Hormone levels, including thyroid, cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen, LH and FSH.
We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where this is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing.
To screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions.
These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision.
A resting electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
Blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones and sugar to screen for diabetes.
For colorectal cancer screening (FIT test).
Preliminary tests of visual function and eye health, including visual acuity, colour vision, and visual fields.
The results are charted on a graph (audiogram) to help pinpoint the severity of hearing loss at different frequencies.
Pulmonary function tests, or PFTs. We measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well you move air in and out of your lungs and absorb oxygen when you breathe.
A scan to establish and highlight any plaques in the carotid arteries which untreated may lead to a stroke or potential cardiovascular risk.
Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a direct coronary artery CT scan (CTCA) to look at individual plaque formation in the vessels and the obstruction to blood flow which may result in a heart attack. This can be done at the same time as the coronary calcium scan.
To diagnose hypertension and any anomalies.
Measurement of calcium deposits in the arteries of the heart – a gold standard assessment for ischaemic heart disease.
Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a direct coronary artery CT scan (CTCA) to look at individual plaque formation in the vessels and the obstruction to blood flow which may result in a heart attack. This can be done at the same time as the coronary calcium scan.
A specialist ultrasound to produce moving images of the heart’s function during exercise.
We will review with you within 5 working days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and health span.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
£6,100, including complimentary registration at the practice.
Payment terms available on request.
Please allow between 4 – 5 hours for the initial consultations and tests.
We will review with you within 7 days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and healthspan.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
We offer complimentary preliminary telephone consultations to gain an initial understanding of your medical history and lifestyle, ahead of recommending which of our health assessment programmes would be most suitable.
In addition, we offer bespoke and corporate packages.
Please complete our enquiry form, or alternatively call us, 020 7935 4357, or email office@drsophiakhalique.com, to arrange an appointment date and time at your convenience.
In addition to our in-house comprehensive health assessment, we arrange a mammogram, pelvic ultrasound scan and bone mineral density scan to look for female cancers and bone density which is especially relevant from around the time of the menopause.
A pre assessment questionnaire to fill in, to include previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
A one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all highly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
Our comprehensive blood tests include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system.
Liver and kidney function, diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles.
Tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer.
Advanced cardiac risk indicators including Lipoprotein a, Apolipoprotein B and homocysteine.
Inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP.
Vitamins and minerals levels to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile and vitamin D.
Hormone levels, including thyroid, cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen, LH and FSH.
We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where this is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing.
To screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions.
These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision.
A resting electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
Blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones and sugar to screen for diabetes.
For colorectal cancer screening (FIT test).
Preliminary tests of visual function and eye health, including visual acuity, colour vision, and visual fields.
The results are charted on a graph (audiogram) to help pinpoint the severity of hearing loss at different frequencies.
Pulmonary function tests, or PFTs. We measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well you move air in and out of your lungs and absorb oxygen when you breathe.
A bone mineral density scan to assess risk of serious fracture.
Low dose X-Rays to learn how dense (strong) your bones are, and diagnosis of or assessment of your risk of osteoporosis or serious fracture.
Providing insight for early signs of breast cancer.
Regular mammograms can find breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt.
A non-invasive diagnostic exam that produces images that are used to assess organs and structures within the female pelvis. A pelvic scan allows quick visualisation of the female pelvic organs and structures including the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
We will review with you within 5 working days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and health span.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
£4,400, including complimentary registration at the practice.
Payment terms available on request.
Please allow up to 4 hours for the initial consultations and tests.
We will review with you within 7 days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and healthspan.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
We offer complimentary preliminary telephone consultations to gain an initial understanding of your medical history and lifestyle, ahead of recommending which of our health assessment programmes would be most suitable.
In addition, we offer bespoke and corporate packages.
Please complete our enquiry form, or alternatively call us, 020 7935 4357, or email office@drsophiakhalique.com, to arrange an appointment date and time at your convenience.
In addition to our in-house comprehensive health assessment, we arrange a MRIs of your brain and its blood vessels, a thyroid scan and abdominal MRI to further look for hidden cancers including, liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas.
A multi parametric MRI of the prostate gland known as a mp-MRI is arranged as it is more sensitive than a standard MRI.
A pre assessment questionnaire to fill in, to include previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
A one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all highly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
Our comprehensive blood tests include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system.
Liver and kidney function, diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles.
Tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer.
Advanced cardiac risk indicators including Lipoprotein a, Apolipoprotein B and homocysteine.
Inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP.
Vitamins and minerals levels to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile and vitamin D.
Hormone levels, including thyroid, cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen, LH and FSH.
We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where this is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing.
To screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions.
These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision.
A resting electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
Blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones and sugar to screen for diabetes.
For colorectal cancer screening (FIT test).
Preliminary tests of visual function and eye health, including visual acuity, colour vision, and visual fields.
The results are charted on a graph (audiogram) to help pinpoint the severity of hearing loss at different frequencies.
Pulmonary function tests, or PFTs. We measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well you move air in and out of your lungs and absorb oxygen when you breathe.
A scan of your brain and the cerebral vessels. This picks up signs of vascular damage leading to certain dementias, tumours and arteriovenous malformations including aneurysms that can cause bleeding but can be simply dealt with if detected.
A scan of the thyroid to look for pre-cancerous nodules.
This will look at organs to include the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and pancreas.
It can pick up early cancers especially silent cancers of the pancreas which often otherwise present late in the disease path when they are difficult to treat.
Providing a more detailed status of your prostate than a standard MRI scan. It does this by combining four different types of image and can highlight whether or not there is any cancer inside your prostate.
We will review with you within 5 working days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and health span.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
£7,200, including complimentary registration at the practice.
Payment terms available on request.
Please allow up to 4 hours for the initial consultations and tests.
We will review with you within 7 days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and healthspan.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
We offer complimentary preliminary telephone consultations to gain an initial understanding of your medical history and lifestyle, ahead of recommending which of our health assessment programmes would be most suitable.
In addition, we offer bespoke and corporate packages.
Please complete our enquiry form, or alternatively call us, 020 7935 4357, or email office@drsophiakhalique.com, to arrange an appointment date and time at your convenience.
In addition to our in-house comprehensive health assessment, we arrange a MRIs of your brain and its blood vessels, a thyroid scan and abdominal MRI to further look for hidden cancers including, liver, spleen, kidneys and pancreas.
A mammogram and pelvic ultrasound scan are done to look for female specific cancers. In addition, you will have a bone mineral density check.
A pre assessment questionnaire to fill in, to include previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
A one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all highly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
Our comprehensive blood tests include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system.
Liver and kidney function, diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles.
Tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer.
Advanced cardiac risk indicators including Lipoprotein a, Apolipoprotein B and homocysteine.
Inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP.
Vitamins and minerals levels to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile and vitamin D.
Hormone levels, including thyroid, cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen, LH and FSH.
We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where this is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing.
To screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions.
These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision.
A resting electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
Blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones and sugar to screen for diabetes.
For colorectal cancer screening (FIT test).
Preliminary tests of visual function and eye health, including visual acuity, colour vision, and visual fields.
The results are charted on a graph (audiogram) to help pinpoint the severity of hearing loss at different frequencies.
Pulmonary function tests, or PFTs. We measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well you move air in and out of your lungs and absorb oxygen when you breathe.
A scan of your brain and the cerebral vessels. This picks up signs of vascular damage leading to certain dementias, tumours and arteriovenous malformations including aneurysms that can cause bleeding but can be simply dealt with if detected.
A scan of the thyroid to look for pre-cancerous nodules.
This will look at organs to include the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and pancreas.
It can pick up early cancers especially silent cancers of the pancreas which often otherwise present late in the disease path when they are difficult to treat.
A bone mineral density scan to assess risk of serious fracture.
Low dose X-Rays to learn how dense (strong) your bones are, and diagnosis of or assessment of your risk of osteoporosis or serious fracture.
Providing insight for early signs of breast cancer.
Regular mammograms can find breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt.
A non-invasive diagnostic exam that produces images that are used to assess organs and structures within the female pelvis. A pelvic scan allows quick visualisation of the female pelvic organs and structures including the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
We will review with you within 5 working days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and health span.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
£6,900, including complimentary registration at the practice.
Payment terms available on request.
Please allow up to 4 hours for the initial consultations and tests.
We will review with you within 7 days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and healthspan.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
We offer complimentary preliminary telephone consultations to gain an initial understanding of your medical history and lifestyle, ahead of recommending which of our health assessment programmes would be most suitable.
In addition, we offer bespoke and corporate packages.
Please complete our enquiry form, or alternatively call us, 020 7935 4357, or email office@drsophiakhalique.com, to arrange an appointment date and time at your convenience.
In addition to our in-house comprehensive health assessment, we undertake a full screening of the cardiovascular system to look at the blood pressure, blood flow to the brain, heart function with exercise, the muscle chambers and valves of the heart including the aorta and calcium deposits around the blood vessels of the heart.
We arrange a MRIs of your brain and its blood vessels, a thyroid scan and abdominal MRI to further look for hidden cancers including, liver, spleen, kidneys, and pancreas. A multi parametric MRI of the prostate gland known as a mp-MRI is arranged as it is more sensitive than a standard MRI.
A pre assessment questionnaire to fill in, to include previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
A one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all highly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
Our comprehensive blood tests include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system.
Liver and kidney function, diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles.
Tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer.
Advanced cardiac risk indicators including Lipoprotein a, Apolipoprotein B and homocysteine.
Inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP.
Vitamins and minerals levels to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile and vitamin D.
Hormone levels, including thyroid, cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen, LH and FSH.
We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where this is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing.
To screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions.
These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision.
A resting electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
Blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones and sugar to screen for diabetes.
For colorectal cancer screening (FIT test).
Preliminary tests of visual function and eye health, including visual acuity, colour vision, and visual fields.
The results are charted on a graph (audiogram) to help pinpoint the severity of hearing loss at different frequencies.
Pulmonary function tests, or PFTs. We measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well you move air in and out of your lungs and absorb oxygen when you breathe.
A scan to establish and highlight any plaques in the carotid arteries which untreated may lead to a stroke or potential cardiovascular risk.
Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a direct coronary artery CT scan (CTCA) to look at individual plaque formation in the vessels and the obstruction to blood flow which may result in a heart attack. This can be done at the same time as the coronary calcium scan.
To diagnose hypertension and any anomalies.
Measurement of calcium deposits in the arteries of the heart – a gold standard assessment for ischaemic heart disease.
Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a direct coronary artery CT scan (CTCA) to look at individual plaque formation in the vessels and the obstruction to blood flow which may result in a heart attack. This can be done at the same time as the coronary calcium scan.
A specialist ultrasound to produce moving images of the heart’s function during exercise.
A scan of your brain and the cerebral vessels. This picks up signs of vascular damage leading to certain dementias, tumours and arteriovenous malformations including aneurysms that can cause bleeding but can be simply dealt with if detected.
A scan of the thyroid to look for pre-cancerous nodules.
This will look at organs to include the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and pancreas.
It can pick up early cancers especially silent cancers of the pancreas which often otherwise present late in the disease path when they are difficult to treat.
Providing a more detailed status of your prostate than a standard MRI scan. It does this by combining four different types of image and can highlight whether or not there is any cancer inside your prostate.
We will review with you within 5 working days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and health span.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
£9,900, including complimentary registration at the practice.
Payment terms available on request.
Please allow between 4 – 6 hours for the initial consultations and tests.
We will review with you within 7 days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and healthspan.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
We offer complimentary preliminary telephone consultations to gain an initial understanding of your medical history and lifestyle, ahead of recommending which of our health assessment programmes would be most suitable.
In addition, we offer bespoke and corporate packages.
Please complete our enquiry form, or alternatively call us, 020 7935 4357, or email office@drsophiakhalique.com, to arrange an appointment date and time at your convenience.
In addition to our in-house comprehensive health assessment, we undertake a full screening of the cardiovascular system to look at the blood pressure, blood flow to the brain, heart function with exercise, the muscle chambers and valves of the heart including the aorta and calcium deposits around the blood vessels of the heart.
We arrange a MRIs of your brain and its blood vessels, a thyroid scan and abdominal MRI to further look for hidden cancers including, liver, spleen, kidneys, and pancreas. A mammogram and pelvic ultrasound scan are done to look for female specific cancers. In addition, you will have a bone mineral density check.
A pre assessment questionnaire to fill in, to include previous medical history, medications, lifestyle, family history and any current concerns.
A one-to-one examination with one of our three principal doctors – all highly experienced GPs with special interests in preventative health screening, dermatology, male health, female health, lifestyle, nanomedicine and anti-ageing medicine between them.
Our comprehensive blood tests include a haematology panel allowing for diagnosis of a wide range of benign and malignant disorders of the red and white blood cells, platelets and the coagulation system.
Liver and kidney function, diabetes screening and cholesterol profiles.
Tumour markers to include CEA, CA125 and CA 19-9. In addition, men will be screened for prostate cancer and women for cervical cancer.
Advanced cardiac risk indicators including Lipoprotein a, Apolipoprotein B and homocysteine.
Inflammatory markers including ESR and high sensitivity CRP.
Vitamins and minerals levels to include vitamin B12, folate, calcium, phosphate, magnesium, iron profile and vitamin D.
Hormone levels, including thyroid, cortisol, insulin, DHEA, testosterone, oestrogen, LH and FSH.
We can undertake genetic testing on site, especially where this is a significant family history of early cancers including BRCA testing.
To screen for skin cancers using a dermatoscope to image all suspicious lesions.
These are then sent to a lead Consultant Dermatologist for assessment prior to the follow up appointment to decide whether there is a need a biopsy or excision.
A resting electrocardiogram to screen for heart disease including silent ischaemia, rhythm and conduction disorders and strain on the heart muscles.
Blood and protein to indicate kidney disease and stones and sugar to screen for diabetes.
For colorectal cancer screening (FIT test).
Preliminary tests of visual function and eye health, including visual acuity, colour vision, and visual fields.
The results are charted on a graph (audiogram) to help pinpoint the severity of hearing loss at different frequencies.
Pulmonary function tests, or PFTs. We measure how much air your lungs can hold, how well you move air in and out of your lungs and absorb oxygen when you breathe.
A scan to establish and highlight any plaques in the carotid arteries which untreated may lead to a stroke or potential cardiovascular risk.
Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a direct coronary artery CT scan (CTCA) to look at individual plaque formation in the vessels and the obstruction to blood flow which may result in a heart attack. This can be done at the same time as the coronary calcium scan.
To diagnose hypertension and any anomalies.
Measurement of calcium deposits in the arteries of the heart – a gold standard assessment for ischaemic heart disease.
Dependent on individual risk factors and to limit unnecessary radiation risk (although small) through CT scans, we can arrange a direct coronary artery CT scan (CTCA) to look at individual plaque formation in the vessels and the obstruction to blood flow which may result in a heart attack. This can be done at the same time as the coronary calcium scan.
A specialist ultrasound to produce moving images of the heart’s function during exercise.
A scan of your brain and the cerebral vessels. This picks up signs of vascular damage leading to certain dementias, tumours and arteriovenous malformations including aneurysms that can cause bleeding but can be simply dealt with if detected.
A scan of the thyroid to look for pre-cancerous nodules.
This will look at organs to include the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and pancreas.
It can pick up early cancers especially silent cancers of the pancreas which often otherwise present late in the disease path when they are difficult to treat.
A bone mineral density scan to assess risk of serious fracture.
Low dose X-Rays to learn how dense (strong) your bones are, and diagnosis of or assessment of your risk of osteoporosis or serious fracture.
Providing insight for early signs of breast cancer.
Regular mammograms can find breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt.
A non-invasive diagnostic exam that produces images that are used to assess organs and structures within the female pelvis. A pelvic scan allows quick visualisation of the female pelvic organs and structures including the uterus, cervix, vagina, fallopian tubes and ovaries.
We will review with you within 5 working days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and health span.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
£9,900, including complimentary registration at the practice.
Payment terms available on request.
Please allow up to 6 hours for the initial consultations and tests.
We will review with you within 7 days, either face to face or via video – whichever option suits you – to go through all your results and make specific lifestyle and health recommendations to improve both your lifespan and healthspan.
You will receive a digital/paper report at the time.
We offer complimentary preliminary telephone consultations to gain an initial understanding of your medical history and lifestyle, ahead of recommending which of our health assessment programmes would be most suitable.
In addition, we offer bespoke and corporate packages.
Please complete our enquiry form, or alternatively call us, 020 7935 4357, or email office@drsophiakhalique.com, to arrange an appointment date and time at your convenience.
Why Us?
Health screening is usually carried out by organisations that follow a strict protocol for everyone they see, regardless of their individual risk factors.
We believe in bespoke personalised care and concierge medicine. As general practitioners and not solely health screening doctors, if we find something wrong we can offer a comprehensive service which means you can go directly to the best specialist without having to go via your NHS GP who may not have the network we have to make this referral.
We also support with changes in lifestyle including weight management, alongside our excellent in-house nutritionist whom we can refer you to. We believe in mental health and have a team of psychotherapists who work in the practice that you might want to see. In addition, we have an interest in antiageing medicine and can offer a complimentary service of care with knowledge of up to date medications and supplements.
We have a commitment to ongoing care for everyone we see and believe our medical care is good value for health.
Although any health assessment you have with us gives you a complimentary registration to the practice so you can access our facilities, we also offer a monthly membership option. This includes all consultations, (face-to-face, video or telephone), prescription requests and referrals to specialists, if required. You will also have 24/7 access to an individual doctor.
Although health scanning packages are not usually covered by UK health insurance companies, onward specialist referrals almost always are.
As fully qualified and registered GPs, and not health screening doctors alone, registration with the practice allows us to make referrals, to world-class specialists, which under most private health insurance schemes would be covered.
So for example, if there is an indication for a colonoscopy such as a low iron count, or blood in the stool, top gastroenterologist referral to do this procedure and follow up care would usually be covered, or if there are ischaemic changes on an Exercise ECG, top cardiological referral for further assessments including tests such as a CTCA would also, in most cases be covered.
Further, our Harley Street location, a globally famous hub for private healthcare, means in most instances any onward referrals are located close to the practice.
We offer complimentary preliminary telephone consultations to gain an initial understanding of your medical history and lifestyle, ahead of recommending which of our health assessment programmes would be most suitable.
In addition, we offer bespoke and corporate packages.
Please complete our enquiry form below, or alternatively call us, 020 7935 4357, or email [email protected], to arrange an appointment date and time at your convenience.