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IV Therapy

Get A Drip – IV Therapy Explained

What is IV Therapy

Are you feeling tired, lethargic or run-down? Have you recently recovered from an illness but are now lacking energy? IV therapies could be the solution for you.

Intravenous (IV) therapy enables us to administer key nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes, antioxidants and hydration directly to the bloodstream. The IV route allows for a better absorption rate and quicker restoration of levels in comparison to traditional oral treatments.

We are working alongside one of London’s most reputable IV clinics to provide IV therapies for our patients.

The most popular IV therapies that we advocate are the ‘Myer’s Cocktail’ and glutathione therapy.

The Myers’s Cocktail

The Myer’s cocktail was originally developed by the late John Myers MD who used it to help patients battling chronic illnesses for 25 years, before his passing in 1984. It has become increasing popular in recent years following research built on John Myer’s original framework.

The Myer’s cocktail contains high dose vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid and magnesium. These supplements support the function of a healthy immune system and can act as ‘natural antihistamines.’ Research has shown that the Myer’s cocktail can be effective as an adjunctive treatment for conditions such as asthma, migraines, chronic fatigue, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis and even acute muscle spasm.

Glutathione Therapy

Glutathione is a potent antioxidant which plays a vital role in many body processes to include tissue building, cell rejuvenation, strengthening of the immune system and the regulation of homeostatic pathways. It has become particularly popular in recent years following the discovery of oxidative stresses and their subsequent negative impact on the body. Oxidative stress results in the release of ‘free radicals.’ When the body is unable to detoxify these free radicals, age related damage can occur over time which directly impacts on cell rejuvenation. Sources of oxidative stress include smoking, UV radiation, pollutants and even stress. Boosting your intake of glutathione can help to treat cellular damage and oxidative stress.

Treatments are available at the practice, where our doctors are always on hand.

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