101 HARLEY STREET | LONDON W1G 6AH | | 020 7935 4357


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Flu and Pneumonia Vaccinations

Flu and Pneumonia Vaccinations

This is the first winter that seasonal influenza virus will co-circulate alongside the Covid-19 pandemic. Mathematical modelling suggests the winter 2021/2022 influenza season will not only begin earlier than normal, but it could also be 50% larger than typically seen. If you get flu and Covid at the same time you are more likely to become seriously ill. The response to vaccination takes about 2 weeks to develop.

Pneumonia is a severe chest infection that affects 1 in 100 people. In addition to flu vaccine, we would now strongly recommend a pneumonia vaccine which protects against 13 or 23 bacterial strains. These can safely be given at the same time as the flu vaccine.

With this in mind, we will have our vaccines ready to distribute from mid-September. We can provide mobile flu clinics to your workplace for the whole team, or home appointments for individual patients and their families. Alternatively, clients can book an appointment at the Practice between 8am and 6pm Monday to Friday.

Booster vaccines for Covid-19 are currently under consideration but current advice from The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) is to go ahead with influenza immunisation as normal until further information regarding co-administration with Covid-19 vaccination is available.

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